Skylights - A Modern Must-Have

Skylights are one of the most sought-after features in modern homes. However, a more traditional version of skylights was seen in pre-colonial houses in India, where the central courtyard was exposed to the sky. Domestic life was crafted carefully around this verandah - children used to play, grandparents used to snooze on the bed, spices were left to dry in the summers, and in the monsoons, the house used to be filled with the sublime aroma of wet earth. However, as we have moved into the 21st century, homes with a natural skylight have steadily declined. Due to the commodification of real estate, it is not feasible to construct houses of epic proportions. Also, due to the breakdown of the traditional joint family, there is no need to have such massive houses. Now that spaces are becoming more sacred, the elite are asking builders and architects to include a skylight in their homes.
The primary reason why people look for a skylight is due to the natural light they provide. As this is a layer of glass separating the floor from the sun, it is an excellent source of providing natural light to residents. There has been a movement by environmentalists calling for reduced use of artificial light as it consumes a lot of energy. A skylight eliminates the need for extra artificial lighting as the natural light is sufficient to illuminate a large area. People living in the concrete jungle oftentimes do not have enough vitamin D. Skylight will also boost the inhabitants’ creativity and health due to the sufficient supply of vitamin D.

People living in the northern hemisphere, away from the equator, often have longer winters and shorter summers. Due to lack of sunlight, many folks develop seasonal depression or SAD. Since days get shorter, the sunlight gets much less harsh, office workers or homemakers who do not get exposed to sunlight often complain of feeling listless and lethargic. People who have almost no access to sunlight can benefit by basking in the sun by installing a skylight. Even during the grayest of the days, people with a skylight will be able to have access to proper sunlight that can boost their moods and lift spirits.
As mentioned before, people are looking into a more sustainable lifestyle. One of the major culprits of excess consumption is the unnecessary use of light. While a skylight does provide natural light during the day, it is impossible to cut down on electricity use during the night or the cold winter months. But skylights can also double as solar panels. During the chiller months, your dependence on artificial light powered by coal is dramatically reduced as you rely on solar power. The house will stay at a constant temperature without the use of coal, making a skylight an excellent investment.
Like a coin, there are a handful of downsides to having a skylight, but the benefits far outweigh these cons. A skylight is a beautiful and modern addition to your household, making for stunning interiors and an eco-friendly lifestyle.